Faith looked around the dirty empty apartment in the abandoned building. The mixture of water damage and mold made the wall a dark green that made her sick to look at. Faith always felt that this place should have been wiped out of existence and tonight she was going to see that it was.

Faith walked to the far corner of the room where her small pile of crumpled papers lay. There was nothing else around it, but she knew that once the papers were ablaze, the wooden floor would be next. Thirty minutes later the entire building would be in flames.

Faith took one last look at the place. Memories of her climbing the three flights to it every day after school flashed back. The stairwell always seemed like such a treacherous place having to walk over the bodies unceremoniously sleeping on the dirty stairs. Even now at age 18 she couldn’t shake the fear it brought.

“You deserve everything you get,” Faith said to the building that in her mind had developed a persona over the years. “I can’t wait to see you burned to the ground.”

Faith leaned over her pile of paper and retrieved her lighter. Staring at the flame it produced she reconsidered what she was about to do. This building wasn’t hers to burn. And although there were no buildings immediately next to this five-story walk-up, there were other’s close enough to be threatened if the wind shifted. Unlike this one, those buildings still had tenants. So if this went completely wrong, she might become responsible for a lot of deaths.

But all of that slipped out of her mind when the dancing of the flame took hold. She had always been mesmerized by the color and flicker of fire. There was something erotic about it. Fire was wild and could hardly be contained. Fire consumed and cleansed everything it touched. It was that cleansing that she so desperately wanted, and with its intoxicating beauty sneaking into her soul, her decision was final.

Faith lowered the lighter onto the papers. It didn’t take long for the flame to grow. As much as she wanted to admire it, she knew that she didn’t have the time. Everything around her would soon be gone and she didn’t want to be there when it burned.

Closing the door behind her, Faith quickly jogged into the hall. Running through the dusty corridor, she came upon the stairwell that had always filled her with such terror. Closing the metal stairwell door behind her, she scanned both up and down the stairs.

Assured once again that it was empty, she looked back at the door. Turning her attention to the crack underneath it, she unzipped her jacket. Faith had bought it especially for this purpose and with the two sides free, she took it off.

Faith could feel her pussy swell as the still cool night air touched her bare breasts. It felt liberating and gave her a feeling of power that she couldn’t ignore. Faith kneeled down and stuffed the jacket in the large space under the door. She had measured out the length exactly, and as she suspected, her sleeves weren’t long enough. So taking hold of the thick material of her pants, she pulled them down as well.

Stepping out of the last of her clothes, she stuffed her pants in the remainder of the crack. Standing up and staring at her work, her hand slowly moved to her shaved pussy that pushed out from between her legs. Her clit was exposed and the feeling she got as her soft finger-tips made contact was electrifying. For a second she considered rubber herself off, but then decided it better to stick to her plan.

Faith let go her pussy and walked to the downward stairs. In the empty, hollow space, the echoes of her flip flops sounded like thunder as they bounced off of the walls. Staring down the stairs Faith paused again. There was no one there. So again adhering to her plan she backed away and headed up.

Hearing the sound of her shoes crack with every step, Faith picked up pace not knowing how much time she had left. Stepping onto the fourth floor landing she considered one more time if this was what she wanted to do. But as her feet carried her further up, she knew her decision had been made.

Stepping onto the fifth floor landing, Faith slowed to a stop. She knew that there were many demons that lived just beyond the stairwell’s metal door and naked she had to steady herself to face them.

Pushing the door open she found the same layout as the third floor. The hallway was lined with the same dark wood, and the walls cracked and peeled in the same patterns. The one difference with this floor though was the feeling that she got from it. Just like when she was a kid, Faith felt possessed whenever she entered this floor. And as her lean, fair body pushed through the thick residue left from her memories, Faith searched for apartment 511 and opened the door.

Staring inside she was pleased with want she saw. Whereas the rest of the building was decaying around it, apartment 511 was completely clean. The walls were freshly painted in a bright white colored flame resistant paint. The floors were stripped and refinished in a clean white and the ceiling was restored to its original white popcorn glory. The room was like entering into another building. And the only thing that interrupted this endless sea of white was the single bright red lounge chair that faced the door from the center of the room.